CDO (Chief Digital Office) - CISO Unit

Privacy Policy

Telefónica Innovación Digital, S.L., as the owner of this website, informs you that the companies of the Telefónica Group are committed to respecting the privacy of users and the secrecy and security of personal data, in compliance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679, General Data Protection Regulation.

Our principles


We will not process your data in an unexpected, obscure or abusive way.

When we collect your personal data through our website you will be conveniently informed about: who processes your data, what is the purpose of the processing, what is the legitimacy of the processing, the possibility of exercising your rights and other information of interest. In addition, your data will be canceled according to the defined retention policy about which you will be informed and in any case, when you request it by exercising the right of cancellation.


We will collect your consent whenever necessary and we will put at your disposal the necessary tools so that you can access and update your personal information, as well as decide how to manage your data, selecting the purposes for which we are going to process them.


We care about ensuring the security, secrecy and confidentiality of your data. Therefore, as part of our commitment and in compliance with current legislation, we have adopted the most demanding and robust security measures and technical means to prevent their loss, misuse or access without your authorization, committing ourselves to keep them secret and guaranteeing the duty to keep them by adopting all the necessary and reasonable measures to avoid their alteration, loss and processing or unauthorized access, in accordance with the provisions of the applicable legislation. Any questions that may arise from this Privacy Policy, contact us at: and we will be happy to help you.

1. Who is the data controller?

The company that process your data as data cotroller is:

2. What data do we process about you?

The basic, identifying and contact data that you provide us when you voluntarily complete the forms on the website, such as your name and surname, e-mail, company or position, or that we have been able to obtain in the course of the commercial relations that you or the company you represent has with the Telefónica Group, as well as other data obtained as a result of your use of the web.

3. How do we obtain and where does your data come from?

In general, we obtain the data either directly from you, when you fill in the forms, make an enquiry, complaint or suggestion, or contact us by any means and provide us with the required or voluntary data; or we may generate or capture them automatically during the use of the web itself, in accordance with the operational functioning and/or functionalities existing at any given time.

4. What and why do we use your data?

Telefónica Innovación Digital processes your data for the following purposes:

5. How long do we keep your data?

We will process your data as long as they are necessary for the purposes described or as long as you do not withdraw the consent granted or do not indicate that you object to the processing with the indicated purposes. In addition, we inform you that we facilitate, in a simple way, the management of the cancellation of our communications.

6. Who has access to your data?

Only Telefónica Innovación Digital accesses your data and those subcontractors acting on our behalf and, in our name, as data processors (e.g. providers of the event streaming service, e-mail providers, etc.) contractually subject to our instructions, only for the lawful purposes informed and for the period of time strictly necessary for it.

In the event that we are going to share your information with third parties as controllers (e.g. sponsors of events or other companies of the Group to which we belong that will process your data for their own purposes other than those informed) we will inform you properly and, if necessary, we will collect the necessary authorizations to do so. In particular, we inform you that we may share with other Telefónica Group companies that are interested in your attendance or in the attendance of a representative of the company to which you belong, the minimum data that you have provided during registration for the event, for the sole purpose of better management in the organisation of the event, the monitoring of registrations at the event and greater dissemination of the event.

7. What are your rights and how can you control your data?

As applicable, you can exercise the following data protection rights against Telefónica Innovación Digital:

In general, you can exercise these rights (at any time and free of charge) through

For this it is important to keep in mind that when you exercise a right, in most cases, you must clearly specify which one you exercise and provide a copy of your official identity document (e.g. DNI, NIE or Passport) and, if possible, send your request from the same email you initially provided us.

Finally, in case you do not agree on the way we process your data you will have the right to lodge a complaint with the national control authority, by contacting the Spanish Agency for Data Protection, whose contact details are the following:

Agencia Española de Protección de Datos
C/ Jorge Juan, 6 – 28001 Madrid

In advance, and for any doubt, complaint or claim about the processing of your data by Telefónica Innovación Digital, you can contact our Data Protection Officer by writing to

8. How do we protect your data?

Telefónica Innovación Digital guarantees the security, secrecy and confidentiality of your data, communications and personal information by adopting the most demanding and robust security measures and putting at your disposal tools and functionalities that allow you to control them.